1. Employee MoralManagers that treat employees poorly.
    Poor management is often cited as a cause of morale issues, and it can take many forms.
  2. Moving the goalpost.
    Employees will be understandably frustrated if their goals are continually changing—especially if this happens before the first goal can be accomplished or if the new goals contradict the old ones, making the previous work obsolete.
  3. Unclear expectations.
    If the goals are not clear and employees don’t know what role they’re meant to play, they will get frustrated. This is especially true if they’re being judged by a set of criteria, yet don’t know what those criteria are.
  4. Lack of communication.
    When employees feel like they’re kept in the dark, it creates resentment and presents opportunities for rumors to run wild. Communication is important all the time, and is critical at times of extreme change.
  5. Not feeling recognized for hard work.
    While not every employee will respond to the same types of recognition, most do desire to have their efforts recognized in some capacity.
  6. No clear employee development plan.
    When an employee is hired, often he or she has a long-term vision for what roles they will take on next. But when there is no development plan, there’s a high risk that employees will feel dissatisfied and unable to work to their full potential in the role they’re in.
  7. Lack of trust to complete the work.
    This often manifests as micromanagement or an environment in which an employee does not feel he or she has any flexibility. Employees also need to feel free to ask questions without having negative repercussions. They should be able to ask for help and receive it without being perceived as unable to complete the work.
  8. An unreasonable workload.
    While most employees understand that workloads can fluctuate, requiring an employee to keep up with an unreasonable workload for too long is a recipe for burnout and resentment.
  9. Inappropriate compensation levels.
    Surprisingly, compensation does not factor as high as some may guess when it comes to morale levels, but it needs to be reasonable and it needs to reflect the quality of work and responsibility level of the employee.
  10. High turnover rates.
    When an employer has high turnover, it puts undue stress on the entire organization—remaining employees have to pick up the slack. Additionally, if the turnover comes from employees being let go frequently, remaining employees can lose confidence in their job security.
Top 10 Morale Crushers. SHRM.org (4/15/2015)