Talent Management


Talent Management is the process of identifying the most important jobs in a company; successful implementation includes:

  • Developing a recruiting process for generating a pool of qualified applicants
  • Creating a selection process for choosing the best individual for each position, including the development of current employees and hiring outside talent
  • Creating talent pools and training for broad employees competencies
  • Using short-term talent forecasts
  • Establishing a balance between employee and company ownership of career development
  • Using assessments – i.e., personality, aptitude, values, and communications

Succession planning is the basis for staffing changes such as retirements, transfers, and promotions. It encourages an organization to prepare for the inevitable movements of personnel that create holes in the hierarchy that need to be filled by other qualified individuals.

Career Development is an important part of talent management, but individuals and organizations view careers differently. Career planning for the organization focuses on identifying career paths that provide for the logical progression of people between jobs in an organization. Navigating and working with these different motivations is key to your success!

Outplacement & Re-Establish Talent. Our firm believes in dignity and respect for all displaced employees. We understand employers may need to make a difficult decision regarding the workforce. DAS HR Consulting is a nationwide company that allows companies to protect their reputation and keep the dignity and respect of their displaced employees. DAS HR Consulting has an in-depth knowledge of career transition, career planning, coaching services, and strategic plans on communications strategies.

Respect is the most effective transition or outplacement service that helps separated employees find new jobs, protect the company’s reputation, prevent potential lawsuits, and lessen an employer’s unemployment insurance taxes.

DAS HR Consulting works with clients to understand the goals for career transitions and reestablish the displaced employee’s career priorities. We believe in re-establishing the client’s employees to preserve the employee’s dignity and respect. 

How are we different?

  • We want to collaborate with our clients to promote and invest in long-lasting partnerships based on mutual trust and respect.
  • To ensure successful talent management opportunities, we seek to understand your business challenges, training objectives, and desired outcomes.