
Three hundred and sixty thousand (360,000) men and women leave military service each year. Companies will need to create programs to recruit veterans, many of whom have the skills needed to help address talent shortages across a range of functions and industries.

Military individuals have been taught adaptability, flexibility, react to change and to develop a plan quickly.  Veterans are safety-conscious, detail-oriented and team players. These strengths will help companies to be dynamic and competitive in the 21st century.   

Despite the positive results that many employers have experienced, 80 percent of organizations lack veterans recruiting programs, according to a 2016 survey by Futurestep, a Korn Ferry company specializing in talent solutions. Furthermore, research also shows that employers often don’t understand how military skills can translate to civilian jobs.

Before inviting veterans for interviews, ensure that your company is military-friendly. To build awareness and get stakeholder buy-in, Companies should develop their military program by getting feedback from their current military employees. Veteran applicants will be interested in potential employers that have other veterans on staff who can help them transition into the civilian workforce.

Meinert, D. (10/31/2016) Why Hiring Veterans Makes Good Business Sense.